Ingrown toe nail surgery

Expert care for ingrown toenails

At Jakupi Podiatry we specialize in providing expert care for ingrown toenails and offer effective surgical solutions to help you find relief from pain and discomfort. Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin, causing redness, swelling, and tenderness.

If left untreated, ingrown toenails can lead to infection and further complications. Our experienced podiatrists are here to help you address this common foot condition and get you back on your feet in no time.

What is Ingrown Toenail Surgery?

Ingrown toenail surgery, also known as partial nail avulsion (PNA) or toenail removal surgery, is a minor procedure performed to permanently remove a portion of the toenail that is ingrown.

This surgical intervention is typically recommended for individuals who experience recurrent ingrown toenails or severe cases that do not respond to conservative treatments.

How Does Ingrown Toenail Surgery Work?

During the procedure, your podiatrist will administer local anesthesia to numb the affected toe and minimize discomfort. They will then carefully trim and remove the ingrown portion of the toenail, ensuring that the nail bed is properly cleaned and treated to prevent regrowth.

In some cases, a chemical solution may be applied to the nail matrix to prevent the ingrown toenail from recurring.


Benefits of Ingrown Toenail Surgery

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Don’t let ingrown toenails hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Schedule a consultation with a podiatrist today and take the first step towards lasting relief and improved foot health.